


問了我當時Airbnb 的房東,他推薦我 “人在溫哥華”(Vanpeople)可以找工作,一頁一頁看,,被我看到了荷官的工作,完全沒接觸過的工作!我要試試看!立馬發了Email,當天晚上就接到電話(開心死了,沒想到加拿大效率之高)


Congratulations!  You have been selected to participate in Edgewater Casino’s upcoming Dealer Training Class on November 15, 2016!

·         Paperwork Processing:  9:00 am

·         First Day of Dealer Training Start Time:  10:00 am

·         Dealer training is paid at an hourly rate of $10.85.  Training is held for 3 weeks.

**To be eligible to attend our Dealer Training, please complete the following requirements:**

1)      **SIN Card/Document – For Human Resources**

·         Reply back to this email and provide either a photo or PDF copy of your **SIN Card/Document** (if you do not have a SIN card/, you can provide a copy of a T4 statement or pay stub that shows your name and SIN together)

2)      **Work Permit (if applicable) – For Human Resources**

·         If you are on a work permit.  Reply back to this email and provide a copy of your **Work Permit** with your SIN Document

4)      **November 2016 Dealer Training Schedule – Attached**

·         Please review the attached Training Schedule document and ensure that you arrive at the correct time for training

5)      **GPEB Gaming Application – Attached**

·         We provided a helpful checklist to ensure the GPEB application is filled out correctly.  Please review before filling out the application.

**You will have to provide the following documents with your GPEB application at Paperwork Processing:**

a)      Provide one Canadian passport sized colored photo that is taken within the last six months

b)      $45 cash – MUST be in exact change only!, money order or certified cheque payable to the “Ministry of Finance”

c)      A copy of photo government ID (ie. Passport, Driver’s License, BCID, Permanent Residency Card)

d)      A copy of a secondary government ID (ie. CareCard, Social Insurance Card, Birth Certificate)

e)      If applicant is **not** a Canadian citizen, a copy of Permanent Resident Card or Work Permit is required

f)       Pages 2 and 4 are signed and dated by the applicant

6)      **Attend Paperwork Processing at 9:00am on November 15, 2016**

·         On your first day please bring your completed GPEB application with all supporting documents.

·         Please meet us at the entrance in front of the ATMs –  ground floor of  our Administrative Office of Edgewater Casino located at 750 Pacific Blvd.  (It is the building located directly across from the entrance of the casino)

·         Once paperwork is completed, training begins at 10:00 am

Please note if we do not receive the paperwork package along with your Social Insurance Card and/or Work Permit prior to you starting with us, there is a possibility that you will not be able to start with us on your first day and we will send you home.

We look forward to you joining our team!  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

·         Paperwork Processing:  9:00 am

·         First Day of Dealer Training Start Time:  10:00 am

·         Dealer training is paid at an hourly rate of $10.85.  Training is held for 3 weeks.

**To be eligible to attend our Dealer Training, please complete the following requirements:**

1)      **SIN Card/Document – For Human Resources**

·         Reply back to this email and provide either a photo or PDF copy of your **SIN Card/Document** (if you do not have a SIN card/, you can provide a copy of a T4 statement or pay stub that shows your name and SIN together)

2)      **Work Permit (if applicable) – For Human Resources**

·         If you are on a work permit.  Reply back to this email and provide a copy of your **Work Permit** with your SIN Document

4)      **November 2016 Dealer Training Schedule – Attached**

·         Please review the attached Training Schedule document and ensure that you arrive at the correct time for training

5)      **GPEB Gaming Application – Attached**

·         We provided a helpful checklist to ensure the GPEB application is filled out correctly.  Please review before filling out the application.

**You will have to provide the following documents with your GPEB application at Paperwork Processing:**

a)      Provide one Canadian passport sized colored photo that is taken within the last six months

b)      $45 cash – MUST be in exact change only!, money order or certified cheque payable to the “Ministry of Finance”

c)      A copy of photo government ID (ie. Passport, Driver’s License, BCID, Permanent Residency Card)

d)      A copy of a secondary government ID (ie. CareCard, Social Insurance Card, Birth Certificate)

e)      If applicant is **not** a Canadian citizen, a copy of Permanent Resident Card or Work Permit is required

f)       Pages 2 and 4 are signed and dated by the applicant

6)      **Attend Paperwork Processing at 9:00am on November 15, 2016**

·         On your first day please bring your completed GPEB application with all supporting documents.

·         Please meet us at the entrance in front of the ATMs –  ground floor of  our Administrative Office of Edgewater Casino located at 750 Pacific Blvd.  (It is the building located directly across from the entrance of the casino)

·         Once paperwork is completed, training begins at 10:00 am

Please note if we do not receive the paperwork package along with your Social Insurance Card and/or Work Permit prior to you starting with us, there is a possibility that you will not be able to start with us on your first day and we will send you home.

We look forward to you joining our team!  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.


還要自己線上考一個SIR[Serving It Right]CAD35(自付),是在BC省hospitality工作都要考的一個東西

GPEB 就是賭場內工作的所有員工都要佩戴的識別證CAD 45,開始工作後的第一個薪資會發還給你。

Training 第一天先講一些基本公司核心Bla Bla Bla

這是我最愛的 Trainer Randall, 我以為他38歲,沒想到他已經52,他在郵輪上工作沒有20年也有15年,好多郵輪上的故事,真的好愛聽,也好羨慕郵輪工作外加環遊世界。

這個賭場第一個學的遊戲是 BlackJack,,還要先測試你一隻手能不能抓20個chips,是不是那種會大量流手汗的人!

BlackJack:fisrt inial two cards A+face card
BlackJack payout:3 to 2
Surrender 投降:輸一半
Insurance:dealer第一張翻出來的卡是A,可以買保險,up to half of original bet
soft hand :google網上有很多範例

kings bounty payout:

  • Pair of King of Spades with dealer blackjack pays 1000-to-1.
  • Pair of King of Spades without dealer blackjack pays 100-to-1.
  • Two suited Kings pays 30-to-1.
  • Two suited Queens, Jacks or Tens pays 20-to-1.
  • A suited total of 20 pays 9-to-1.
  • Two unsuited Kings pays 6-to-1.
  • An unsuited total of 20 pays 4-to-1.
  • Otherwise, the player loses the KB bet.
  • 基本上客人玩遊戲是可以完全不用講話的,全靠手勢(攝影機可看的清楚的)

  • Hit – 輕輕點(拍)一下桌子
  • Stand – 在牌上方揮一下
  • Double – 放跟original bet一樣的chips在原本chips後方(有些賭場是放旁邊)
  • Split – 比個YEAH的手勢在桌上
  • Surrender -用手指在桌上畫一個橫線


這是Blackjack的payout 3to2(2賠3), 1-100的要背起來,trainer教我們一些訣竅算超過100的3to2,基本上真的開始下floor發牌,你會發現常用得就那幾個,想不背起來真的很難,譬如有個阿媽很喜歡下11塊,那3to2的算法可以是11除以二×3,但是我都是10的3to2+1的3to2,因為5倍數的3to2已經印在腦袋根本不用算(太常用),只要算1塊錢的3to2。 

chips 有50cent(髒黃色),1(白色),5(紅色),25(綠色),100(黑色),500(pink,purple 不知為何每個人看起來的顏色好像不一樣),1000(亮黃色),5000(好像是咖啡色??!)

後來上課就是練習手裡拿副牌,一張一張翻相加1-21,超過21就是too many不用管是多少,所以算數根本不用很好~然後老師會用競賽的方式下去算秒數,整班的人,我記得只有一個人沒有過,因為他真的真的很慢,trainer就跟他聊天一下,說他可能不適合這個職業。 然後回家都會發作業,還有帶chips和牌回家自己練習,我帶回家根本不想練習~training都練了好幾個小時了 休息是為了走更長遠的路

再來就是模擬現場狀況,客人現金換chips (cash change),chips 換chips(colour change) 超過100 要大聲叫pit 然後喊 cash change或 colour change ,賭場裡面真的太吵,客人講話聊天,老虎機,音樂聲音~ chips要像下面這樣5個一個 stack,不足五個的 fan開(我現在做的賭場不用),綠色25塊是4個一個stack,其他顏色chips都是五個。 現金擺放也有要求,桌子放不下會請你ladder,再繼續數。 同學之間就輪流當dealer發牌,其他當players模擬現場狀況。(真正的Players真的很GY)

三個禮拜時間大部分都在講Blackjack,後面幾天有教4card poker和UTH(Ultimate Texas Hold’em)。


Training 最後一天很像去郊遊,就大家聊聊吃吃東西。這是我另一個Trainer Rob


下floor的狀況只能文字描述,賭場內dealer是禁止帶手機上班(休息的時候可以),賭場內是禁止拍照錄像的(players也一樣),上桌的時候客人不能戴耳機,不能不邊講電話邊玩,任何私人物品禁止放在桌上,客人弄到飲料的時候真的很想殺死他們,因為chips會粘粘的,然後你以為他們會拿去洗嗎?no……..。沒客人就是在那邊站一整天~很爽但也覺得時間過得很慢,沒事就是有客人聊天就聊,和pit聊天或是自己發呆想事情。做dealer有個嚴重職業病,碰錢前後都要 dust off,碰chips前後也都要dust off(show both side of your hand),搞得我自己下班後碰到現金都不小心dust off(哈哈哈),這個說法好像是每個casino 都不太一樣。

影片中的dealer’s break 那段開始,會一直看到dealer 翻轉手,或是拍手之類的動作就是Dust off (clean hands),主要是防止dealer偷chips

– 6am-2pm

菜鳥的時候根本沒得選,我的第一個月是8pm-4am,第二個月之後都是12pm-8pm,都是公司的人排的,休息時間一般是上桌1個小時休15分鐘,上8pm-4am的時候蠻輕鬆的,大部分發到1-2am的時候客人變少會開始關桌,然後可能會被分去sort cards,就坐在桌上開始把每個桌子的卡分成原本打開的樣子,照花色還有A-K的順序排好,放回牌盒裡面到下班,白天班就是上班發到下班。


下面是breaker的桌子,按照順序去替他們(breaker 最好,可以不用跟一樣的客人對看一整天)

我第一天下floor叫我發4card poker,我training3星期都在學blackjack , 然後叫我發4card poker……我真的緊張死,手都在發抖,完全忘記流程,客人都會不爽,因為很慢,然後有bonus的時候我都算很久…..還好我的pit(supervisor)很好,說他們不爽就去別桌,叫我不需要背payout,說我發個1-2天就會記得了,不需要背!跟我說沒客人的時候,就好好站著發呆想自己的事就好了~第一天就莫名其妙的結束了~~接下來的每一天,一天比一天不緊張,越來越正常,應該過了一個月,我感覺我可以控製得了桌子的客人了~~


BTW薪水的算法是,training 只有時薪,下floor之後是時薪+小費,試用期的時候小費是一半,過了試用期就拿full tips,時薪是兩星期發一次打到賬戶,小費是拿現金每個星期拿。然後上班有OT(overtime)比較少,也有EO(early off)人手夠的話,可以早點下班(先跟拿板子的人說) ,平常哪一天有事可以先跟office說,大部分可以拿到off或是跟同事換班都可以,這個工作算是比較flexible。試用期過後就會有保險。

保險卡。在國外醫療的東西都很貴,不像在台灣這麼便宜,這個保險卡能去做按摩,整脊椎 etc,每年都有額度。

做了幾天之後才有Orientation,跟不同部門的一起(F&B,Security,table games etc),Activity 的時候都很像在玩遊戲,分組回答問題,然後有獎品

要說這個工作難的地方不是在學這些遊戲,而是跟客人打交道,有時候客人在輸錢的時候真的很討厭,還會罵你,這時候你就要制止他,不聽的話就是叫pit,再不聽的話可能會被security趕出去,我自己沒被罵哭,有些dealer心靈較不強大的話可能就會哭或是很upset,有時候(很少很少)還要deal 客人互相吵架,互相罵的情況。大部分時候是被客人拍桌子或是大喊嚇到(很菜的時候)~ 做久的dealers都感覺很厭世poker face ~ 整體來說發生以上情況真的少之又少,工作還算有趣的。





natural 8 VS natural9


最多一周小費是拿 500


公司制服比較正式,不是社麼性感辣妹荷官裝扮,聽說las vegas 有,溫哥華目前沒看過

放一張公司的夜景~ 新Casino 叫 Parq Vancouver 在圖片左邊哪裡,跟stadium 連在一起


Let's Go Angela 吉拉走世界
Let's Go Angela 吉拉走世界


文章: 26


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